Can You See The Angel Of God?
“And when the ass saw the angel of the Lord, she fell down under Balaam: and Balaam’s anger was kindled, and he smote the ass with a staff.” Numbers 23:27(KJV).
When last did you see an angel of God?
Are you sure?
How do you know?
Balaam could not see the angel.
The ass did.
Balaam even whipped the ass for saving him.
Balaam did not know the ass saved him.
God uses other people to speak to us.
That person represents an angel.
Do you recognize the angel?
Do you take exception because of a reprimand?
Maybe he gave you good advice?
It was not the advice you wanted to hear.
God can also use you as an angel.
When you obey Him to save a life.
To avert a disaster.
Angels are still on assignment.
Allow the Holy Spirit to use you.
Application to the Christian life:
Recognize the voice of God.
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