Come and discover for yourselves.
“Then Jesus turned around and saw they were following him and asked, “What do you want?”They responded, “Rabbi (which means, Master Teacher), where are you staying?” Jesus answered, “Come and discover for yourselves.” So they went with him and saw where he was staying, and since it was late in the afternoon, they spent the rest of the day with Jesus.”
John 1:38-39 (TPT)
Jesus told the would-be disciples to come and see.
He invited them to a world of self-discovery.
What have you personally found out about God?
Your relationship with Him should not just be based only on what others have said.
Jesus asked the disciples, “Who do you say I am?”
(Matthew 16:13-20)
The woman with the issue of the blood was told about Jesus, and she decided to have a personal encounter with Him.
Luke 8:43-48 (TPT)
“Jesus responded, “Beloved daughter, your faith in me has released your healing. You may go with my peace.”
She discovered by herself the Healing Power available to cure her.
What are you personally discovering and acting on?
What is your faith based on?
“Join your life with mine. Learn my ways, and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me.
Matthew 11:29 (TPT)
Daily personally learn from God through His Word.
You’ll discover…
Discover for your self your purposeful destiny with God and live it out.
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